Ice Age 4: Continental Drift - Official Trailer (2012)
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"في العصر الجليدي قبل آلاف السنين، عند رحيل الحيوانات إلى المناطق الدافئة، يلتقي ماموث بحيوان الكسلان، وتهاجم مجموعة من النمور بعض البشر ليأكلوا الطفل الذي معهم، فتهرب به أمه بعيداً فيسقطان في نهر، وتجرفهما المياه إلى اليابسة حيث تضع الأم طفلها هناك وتموت، فيأخذ الطفل كلاً من الماموث والكسلان لإرجاعه إلى أهله، فينضم لهما أحد النمور، في رحلتهم.
Ice Age is a 2002 American computer-animated adventure comedy film created by Blue Sky Studios and released by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha and Chris Wedge from a story by Michael J. Wilson. The story follows three Paleolithical mammals attempting to return a lost human baby to its parents. The film stars Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Goran Visnjic.
The film was met with mostly positive reviews and was a box office success, starting a series with three sequels, Ice Age: The Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Ice Age: Continental Drift.
The film begins with a saber-toothed squirrel (known as Scrat) who is trying to find somewhere to store his prized acorn. Eventually, as he tries to stomp it into the ground, he causes a large crack in the ground that extends for miles and miles and sets off a large avalanche. He barely escapes, but finds himself stepped on by a herd of prehistoric animals. The animals are trying to avoid the ice age by migrating south. Sid, a clumsy Megalonyx sloth left behind by his family, is attacked by two Brontops whom he angered. Sid is soon saved by Manfred ("Manny"), an agitated mammoth who fights them off. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected, Sid follows Manny. Meanwhile, Soto, the leader of a Smilodon pride wants revenge on a group of humans by eating the chief's baby son, Roshan, alive. Soto leads a raid on the human camp, during which Roshan's mother is separated from the rest and jumps down a waterfall when cornered by Soto's lieutenant, Diego. For his failure, Diego is sent to find and retrieve the baby.
Sid and Manny spot Roshan and his mother near the lake, having survived her plunge. The mother only has enough strength to trust her baby to Manny before she disappears. After much persuasion by Sid, they decide to return Roshan (nicknamed "Pinky") but when they reach the human settlement, they find it deserted. They meet up with Diego, who convinces the pair to let him help by tracking the humans. The four travel on, with Diego secretly leading them to his pack for an ambush. While having small adventures on their way, they reach a cave where Sid and Diego learn about Manny's past and his previous interactions with the humans, in which his wife and son were killed, leaving Manny a cynical loner. At one time the group passes a flying saucer frozen in the ice, while Sid comes upon a display showing the evolution of sloths.
At the end of the film, Diego, Manny and Sid battle Soto's pack and a short fight ensues. As Soto closes in for the kill on Manny, Diego leaps and stops Soto, who wounds Diego in the process. Manny, in vengeance, knocks Soto into a rock wall, causing several sharp icicles to fall on Soto, killing him. Manny and Sid manage to return the baby to his tribe, and Diego rejoins them, as the group begins to head off to warmer climates.
There is also a subplot where Scrat the squirrel makes many comical attempts to bury his beloved acorn. His misfortunes include getting chased by an enormous glacier, being struck by lightning, attempting to thaw out the acorn by using a fire, but roasting it too long, causing it to turn into a large popcorn kernel, and finally getting frozen an icecub along with his much sought after nut. In the epilogue, 20,000 years later (the present), Scrat is frozen in an ice cube that washes up on the shore of a tropical island. The sun slowly melts the cube, bringing Scrat back to life but the acorn, which is just out of his reach, ends up being washed away by the tide. Scrat then explodes out of the ice cube in anger and hits his head repetitively on a tree, which drops a coconut. Believing it to be a giant acorn, Scrat's anger immediately turns to glee at this new find. He tries to pack it into the ground as he did previously with his other acorns, but in the process causes a large crack in the ground that makes its way up the side of a volcano and causes it to erupt, mirroring the opening scene when Scrat causes a break in the ice with an acorn.
The characters are all prehistoric animals. The animals can talk to and understand each other and are voiced by a variety of famous actors. Like many films of prehistoric life, the rules of time periods apply very loosely, as many of the species shown in the film never actually lived in the same time periods or the same geographic regions.
Manfred "Manny", a woolly mammoth, is voiced by Ray Romano
Sid, a giant ground sloth, is voiced by John Leguizamo
Diego, a Smilodon, is voiced by Denis Leary
Soto, a Smilodon, is voiced by Goran Visnjic
Zeke, a Smilodon, is voiced by Jack Black
Oscar, a Smilodon, is voiced by Diedrich Bader
Lenny, a Smilodon, voiced by Alan Tudyk
Scrat, a fictional "saber-toothed" squirrel, is voiced by Chris Wedge
Carl, a Brontops, is voiced by Cedric the Entertainer
Frank, a Brontops, is voiced by Stephen Root
Rachel, a female sloth, is voiced by Jane Krakowski
Jennifer, a female sloth, is voiced by Lorri Bagley
Ice Age (La edad de hielo en la versión de España o La era de hielo en la versión de Latinoamérica) es una película estadounidense de animación del año 2002 creada por Blue Sky Studios y lanzada por 20th Century Fox. Fue dirigida por Chris Wedge y Carlos Saldanha. Fue estrenada el 15 de marzo de 2002.
Hace 20.000 años, durante la era glaciar, los animales migran hacia el sur, a tierras más cálidas. Sin embargo, Manny, un mamut malhumorado, va en otra dirección, por no hacer lo que hacen todos. Poco después conoce a Sid, quien es un perezoso, bromista y charlatán que huye de dos brontotéridos que lo quieren matar tras haber arruinado su almuerzo, luego Sid se encuentra con Manny y este decide salvarlo hasta que decide estar con Manny aunque este no le gusta tanto. Un siniestro tigre dientes de sable, llamado Diego, tiene la misión de robar a un bebé hijo del cazador humano que mató a la mitad de su manada, por orden de Soto, jefe de la manada, que desea vengarse de los humanos. Éste persigue a la madre del niño hasta una cascada, donde ella se lanza para salvar la vida de su bebé, Diego decide no tirarse por su temor al agua. Soto, enfadado, le ordena que busque al bebé y que lo lleve a su guarida ubicada en el medio pico o lo mataría.
Por accidente, Manny y Sid encuentran a la criatura en la orilla de un río. Sid toma la iniciativa de devolverlo y Manny lo sigue para burlarse de él. Tiempo después encuentran a Diego que lo reclama como suyo, pero Manny lo toma pues presiente sus verdaderas intenciones. Diego lo convence de que también lo quiere devolver, cosa que no es del agrado de Sid, pues Diego lo amenazó con matarlo y devorarlo después de haber devuelto al bebé. Aquí comienza su recorrido, en busca de la familia del niño.
Al atravesar un volcán, Manny salva la vida de Diego, para sorpresa de éste, y al otro día les cuenta la verdad sobre sus intenciones, arrepintiéndose y procurando un plan para deshacerse de los demás tigres diente de sable. En una pelea contra ellos, consiguen vencerlos, aunque Diego queda gravemente herido al defender a Manny.
Manny y Sid encuentran al grupo de humanos y le entregan el bebé a su padre. Manny y Sid se dan la vuelta y ven a Diego, vivo y recuperado (aunque débil). Éste decide ir con sus amigos, y juntos emigran al sur.
Animales que aparecen
Personajes de Ice Age.
Mammuthus primigenius
Ardilla dientes de sable
Homo neanderthalensis
Oso hormiguero
L'era glaciale è un film d'animazione del 2002 diretto da Carlos Saldanha e Chris Wedge, basato su un racconto di Michael J. Wilson, realizzato dai Blue Sky Studios per la 20th Century Fox.
Uscito nelle sale negli Stati Uniti d'America il 15 marzo 2002 e in Italia il 24 aprile 2002, il film ha ottenuto una nomination come miglior film d'animazione ai Premi Oscar 2003 (premio vinto da La città incantata).
Ha avuto 3 sequel, L'era glaciale 2 - Il disgelo (2006), L'era glaciale 3 - L'alba dei dinosauri (2009) e L'era glaciale 4 - Continenti alla deriva (2012). Inoltre, è stato ideato uno spin-off intitolato L'era Natale."
"L'Âge de glace, ou L'Ère de glace au Québec (Ice Age), est un film d'animation américain de Chris Wedge et Carlos Saldanha, sorti en 2002.
L'histoire se déroule au moment d'un début d'une ère glaciaire. Un trio peu ordinaire, composé d'un mammouth Manny, d'un paresseux Sid et d'un tigre à dents de sabre Diego, se retrouve responsable d'un bébé humain qu'ils décident de rendre à ses parents. L'enfant est celui du chef d'une tribu esquimau chasseuse de tigres et Diego est en fait chargé par son clan d'attirer Manny et Sid dans un piège pour récupérer l'enfant…
Les personnages
Manfred « Manny »
C'est un mammouth taciturne, censé être le dernier représentant de son espèce. Le surnom « Manny » lui est donné par Sid au cours du film.
C'est un tigre à dents de sabre, peu enclin à montrer ses émotions.
Paresseux, devenu ami de Manny et de Diego.
C'est l'écureuil dont la seule préoccupation est la quête d'un gland en prévision de temps plus durs. Victime d'hilarantes mésaventures, de sa surprenante stupidité et de son incroyable persévérance, il croise le parcours du trio par hasard, mais a une importance considérable dans le dénouement des événements.
Le trio croise un groupe de dodos s'organisant pour survivre à la glaciation mais leur stupidité cause la mort de la plupart d'entre eux
Autour du Film
On peut noter un petit clin d'œil à la série The Thing lorsque Sid passe devant une soucoupe volante prise dans les glaces.
Le bébé humain fait le salut à la manière de Spock.
On peut également noter un petit coucou à la chaine de l'évolution darwinienne lorsque Sid voit ses ancêtres prisonniers dans la glace.
On peut aussi noter un autre clin d’œil au film Titanic de James Cameron, quand Sid prend la trompe de Manny et dit « Capitaine, iceberg droit devant ».
Au cours de leur chemin pour retrouver le clan du bébé, le film fait un clin d'oeil au site archéologique de Stonehenge, en Angleterre. Manny considère ironiquement que cette construction moderne ne tiendra jamais, alors qu'elle existe encore de nos jours.
Saga L’Âge de glace[modifier]
L’Âge de glace (2002)
L’Âge de glace 2 (2006)
L’Âge de glace 3 : Le Temps des dinosaures (2009)
L’Âge de glace 4 : La Dérive des continents (2012)"
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